
Thursday Quote: Pathway to the Future

The American writer and cultural anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson once said:

"The past empowers the present, and the sweeping footsteps leading to this present mark the pathways to the future."

This season, the Mariners have tread along a surprising path of success which most thought we wouldn't be on for a couple more years. Some have questioned whether this team can continue their winning ways for the rest of this season and possibly into the playoffs, and many have cited the next twenty games on the schedule as a roadblock. Is there a tough road ahead? Most certainly. But can we succeed? There's no doubt in my mind. We've not only proven this season that we can fight an up-hill battle, but we've shown that once we get near the top of the hill, we keep clawing and grinding our way to the top. We have a head of steam that is fully capable of propelling us through the roadblock ahead of us and into the promise land; and like Mary Bates said, the past empowers the future.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Very good quote Patrick...I say all the time "If you don't learn from the past you are destined to repeat it"...McLaren could certainly learn a thing or two from this quote but the Mariner's as a team seem to push on despite John's lack of ability to see the past and learn from it...