
Austin Bibens-Dirkx's Album

ABD, an outstanding pitcher in our minor-league system who we could see as early as next year, recently released his self-titled album "Austin Bibens-Dirkx" and it is now available on Itunes. Go check it out, he's an extremely talented artist and there is some good stuff on there. Not only is he a great artist, a great pitcher, but after talking to him he's a great person too. He'll definitely be a fan favorite when he comes up.

Note: The only reason he isn't with the Mariners yet is a season-ending injury, but his rehab in Arizona is going well and he's scheduled to have surgery early this month.


Anonymous said...

i don't think he'll be up next season. he was in the same draft class as Morrow. Morrow was one of the few that ever come up that fast. give him a few seasons.

Anonymous said...

Phych.. he'll be up.